About this event

I'm thrilled to announce this month we will meet in person at eBay's Chelsea area offices! Thank you eBay NYC!

This meeting is IN PERSON only. We meet in the lobby. We are being treated to a tour of the NYC offices and then we will head to a meeting room Group size is limited to 12 sellers due to room size. You must be registered to attend.

eBay staff from seller tools and shipping will join us to discuss updates to seller tools. There will be time for questions. Sellers of all levels are encouraged to attend.

There will be eBay SWAG for all attendees, courtesy of eBay Community.

Feel free to bring laptops, ipads etc as we will have wifi. Also bring photo ID to gain entry to the building.

***You will get the exact address of eBay's office once registered. Registration is on MEETUP.COMhttps://www.meetup.com/greater-nyc-ebay-ecommerce-sellers/events/295408876/

This event will sell out. Once sold out, message me if interested and I'll add you to the waitlist.

As previously announced, once a quarter we meet live, otherwise our meetings are on Zoom.



Tuesday, November 7, 2023
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


  • Kathy Terrill

    I Love To Be Selling



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