About this event


Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of events for the group. We have had a very crazy summer. I once again plan to do monthly zooms and here and there we are trying to organize some in person events. Our guests this month are also meetup organizers and long time sellers on eBay. I have listened to the podcasts and found them to be very informative.Here are their Bio's:

Philip Jackson

Philip's eBay Store Link: ProStudioConnection Philip's Webstore Link: https://prostudioconnection.com (hosted on Shopify) A refugee from the corporate rat-race, Philip transitioned to selling full time on eBay in 2009 and has sold over three million dollars worth of inventory since. He says he left big business to make a personal fortune from the Internet (which is obviously still work in progress...). On eBay he specializes in refurbishing and selling professional electronic equipment. He also leads the Orlando Area eBay Sellers Chapter and is a regular speaker on all aspects of running an eBay business for fun and profit.

Shari Smith

Shari's eBay Store Link: 7daySale4U Shari's Website Link: https://shari-sells.com/ Shari's been selling on eBay for over 14 years and has sold $2.4m of goods (and counting). It’s her passion in life (after canine interests, of course) and it offers her an enjoyable way of creating financial freedom for herself and others. It’s afforded her amazing opportunities like speaking on stage at events like eBay Open and created life long friendships with other eBay sellers. Shari loves to share her experiences in the hope that it can help you create some extra cash in your pocket or develop an extra income stream.

ProStudioConnection LLC Web Store

This month is sponsored by our friends Mark & Robin at BubbleFast

for all your shipping supplies!

Please join us for a fun informative event.

See You Then,


Rich & Nila


  • Nila Siok

    Chapter Leader

  • Mark Le Vine

    EzAz, Inc


  • Robin Le Vine



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