To get us started without too much delay, Please follow the procedure at the bottom to send you $5 donation,
Please read all of the following
Hello to all members and Welcome new members of the Raleigh E-commerce & eBay Sellers Group
We hope everyone is still doing well and it's not been too difficult to make any necessary adjustment.
This month our meeting will be:
Question and Answer session. We may have a surprise guest!!
Donation Instructions
You can pay via Venmo @Paul-Apollonia
or pay via paypal below.
Please make payment when you RSVP or at least 1 hour before meeting.
To make payment follow this link
1. Enter the amount - 500 ($5.00)
2. Click Next, enter your PayPal login
3. Choose How you want to pay
· Note: If you choose Credit or Debit card there WILL BE a fee
4. Click Next to verify payment
5. Click Add Note and enter Your name(s) and MeetUp name(s)
· Note: Payment must match MeetUp name to easily enter the meeting
· Note: DO NOT click Paying for goods or services
1. Click on Send Payment Now and you’re done.
NOTE: Please make a Donation before signing into the meeting. Only paid participants will be allowed into the meeting.
Thank you for supporting the Raleigh ecommerce & ebay sellers meetup group.
Paul Apollonia
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